Matt Kons and Kelly Berrall July 22, 2000  
 The Day 
 Guest Info 
 Our Story 

The greatest gift you can give us is your love and support at our wedding and in our marriage in the years to come.  Thank you for all that you have given to us already!

1st Bedroom ColorsPlum and Silver
1st Bathroom ColorsPlum
2nd Bedroom ColorsEarth Colors
2nd Bathroom ColorsOff-White
Kitchen ColorsOff-White
Dining Room ColorsOlive Green and Gold
China PatternPickard Geneva

Donations to Honduras
We go on a mission trip to Honduras every year and would love it if you would show your support by giving to Honduras instead of or in addition to purchasing us a gift.

Kitchen & House Accessories

Marshall Field's
China and Crystal

Tools (Matt felt left out)

Wish List
Our wish is that our wedding would bring joy to your life.

Please Send To:
Jeannie's House

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"Marriage should be a duet - when one sings, the other claps."
- Joe Murray


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